lunes, 23 de junio de 2008

Rafael`s description

Rafael is a poor, crazy man who lives in an old boat-house on the beach.
In the beginning he was a dirty young man with long hair and a beard. He was very thin, he had big, empty and mad eyes.
He lived with his mother in their house at the end of the village. He became a good fisherman as his father. Rafael hated sharks because of what happened to his father.
Rafael grew up, tall, strong and good-looking and he fell in love with Anita.
He went mad because he loved Anita and she ran away with the soldier. Rafael worked hard for six months to buy Anita a ring. Then Rafael was clean and fine with his best clothes.

1 comentario:

Susan Zilberstein dijo...

Great job, Jonathan! Just change: "At the beginning...""...Anita but she ran..."